Category: News
Tracye Warfield Is Sleeping Better, Living Intentionally, and Finding Community
For years, I struggled to get a good night’s sleep. The kind of sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to conquer the day. Sleep had always been elusive for me, but that all changed when I joined Thrive and decided to make sleep my top priority. I’m a morning person, and I…
The Perils of Trendy Food Claims
As I stroll down the aisles in my local grocery store, I’m met with endless claims of health and wellness in bold lettering on food packages. There are some oldies, like “heart healthy” and “immune-boosting,” and there are some new ones, like “sleep-inducing cookies” and fruit juices that “promote brain development.” The labels are intriguing;…
Mental health is foundational to women & girls’ empowerment
Women, especially those from marginalized communities, bear the brunt of many of our world’s greatest challenges. These stressors often contribute to vicious cycles that hinder women from changing her circumstances and impact her mental health. Within current approaches to women’s empowerment mental health does not have a clear role. Until now. New research released today…
Rest Is Our Superpower: How Leaders Can Make Space For Rest
Last month, the COVID-19-related public health emergency was officially declared over. Most of us barely recognized this with more than a shrug. So how come we’re not feeling elated and relieved? Probably because we’re not doing that well. There’s a less visible, but just as widespread, public health emergency on the rise. In a survey…
How Women Leaders Can Find Connection
You know that old adage, “It’s Lonely At The Top”? We say it like it’s a badge of honor, a humble brag that you’ve made it through the gauntlet of early career and middle management, proven yourself to be smart and strong enough for the Big Job. And then, there you are, making Big Decisions alone. After…
How to Reclaim Your Emotional Health
“It took a lot to come here today,” says Janelle, a forty-one-year-old nurse who sits opposite me in a small conference room. This morning she and four others joined me for coffee to talk about major changes in their lives. A digital tape recorder sits in the center of the table beside a tray of…
17 Small Ways to Deepen Your Connections
We know that moments of connection with others can make us feel good –– but as it turns out, research shows that bonding with the people around us can increase our happiness, boost our productivity, and even improve our mental health. And with Mental Health Awareness Month beginning on May 1st, we’re taking this opportunity…
Why Work-Life Balance Needs a Reframe
According to my third study, “work-life balance” is a term that 84 percent of people with and without children use, and it is quite polarizing. To be honest, I don’t really like this term. Don’t get me wrong, I like balanced views to make my decisions, to have a balanced diet somewhere between green juice…
18 Small Ways to Reset During a Stressful Day
In honor of National Stress Awareness Month, we’re reflecting on the small tips that help us reset and recharge during a stressful day. It’s only natural to go through times when we feel anxious or overwhelmed, but the key to handling those moments is by arming ourselves with tools that we can use to pause…
Why I Decided to Delete TikTok
On February 5, 2023, my whole life changed: I had deleted TikTok. Now, you may be wondering: why would you delete TikTok? It’s so fun and… well, it’s so fun! Like my 15-year-olds, I downloaded TikTok during quarantine as a way to watch funny videos and stay connected with my friends. In fact, TikTok soon…